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10.1 Environment variables affecting the Mercury compiler


Filename of the Mercury compiler.


Filename of the program to create the *_init.c file.


The default grade to use if no ‘--grade’ option is specified.


The directory containing the installed Mercury standard library. ‘--mercury-stdlib-dir’ options passed to the ‘mmc’, ‘ml’, ‘mgnuc’ and ‘c2init’ scripts override the setting of the MERCURY_STDLIB_DIR environment variable.


The specification of the map from color roles to color shades that the Mercury compiler should use in diagnostics. For the details of the syntax, semantics, and effects of such specifications, please see Color schemes.


This environment variable should contain either ‘always’ or ‘1’ to enable the use of color in diagnostics by the Mercury compiler, or either ‘never’ or ‘0’ to disable it. Note however that this effect can be overruled by command line options; for the details, please see Enabling the use of color.


This environment variable being set to any nonempty string will disable the use of color in diagnostics by the Mercury compiler. Note however that this effect can be overruled by command line options and by the ‘MERCURY_ENABLE_COLOR’ environment variable; for the details, please see Enabling the use of color.