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11.3 Color schemes

The compiler tries to make diagnostics usable more quickly by using color to direct people’s attention to the most relevant parts of diagnostics.

The compiler uses colors for the following five purposes. We must explain these first, before we can explain color schemes, which are simple mappings from purposes (which we also call color roles) to actual shades of color.


The compiler uses the ‘subject’ color for the entity that the diagnostic is about. Examples of such entities include a specific variable, a specific type, or a specific predicate.


The compiler uses the ‘incorrect’ color to emphasize either the description of what is wrong with the subject entity, or the property of the subject entity that is wrong.


The compiler uses the ‘correct’ color to emphasize the expected property of the subject entity, where that differs from its actual property. For example, when a call passes an argument of the wrong type, it will show the argument’s actual type using the ‘incorrect’ color, and the expected type using the ‘correct’ color. It does this because the type is far more likely to be wrong in the call than in the declaration of the called predicate or function. (Of course, situations do sometimes occur in which it is the type in the declaration that is wrong.)


The compiler uses the ‘inconsistent’ color when it knows that two parts of the code are inconsistent with each other, but neither part is a priori more likely to be wrong than the other. For example, when unifying two values of different types, the compiler uses this color when printing the type of both values; the compiler knows that in all likelyhood, one type is correct and one is incorrect, but it does not know which is which.


The compiler uses the ‘hint’ color when it reports observations that may or may not explain the root of the problem it reports, but which are worth looking into. For example, when it reports that two actual arguments of a call have types that do not match the types of the corresponding arguments in the declaration of the callee, it may give a hint that each of those actual arguments do in fact each match the type of an argument in the callee, just not the ones in the right positions, implying that the actual problem may be passing the right arguments in the wrong order.

Programmers can specify the colors they want the compiler to use for each purpose either by setting the environment variable ‘MERCURY_COLOR_SCHEME’ to a string (let’s call it ColorScheme), or by specifying the compiler option ‘--color-scheme ColorScheme’. In both cases, ColorScheme can be either

The compiler currently has the following six builtin color schemes:

The “mode” in each name is optional, meaning that e.g. ‘dark’ names the same color scheme as ‘darkmode’.

The schemes whose names contain “dark” are intended to be used on terminal screens with dark backgrounds (including black backgrounds). The schemes whose names contain “light” are intended to be used on terminal screens with light backgrounds (including white backgrounds).

The other way to specify a color scheme is to directly specify the colors you want the compiler to use using a string such as ‘specified@subject=87:correct=40:incorrect=203:inconsistent=171:hint=226’. The rules for this form of color scheme specification are as follows.

As mentioned above, programmers can specify color schemes using the environment variable ‘MERCURY_COLOR_SCHEME’ and by using the ‘--color-scheme’ compiler option. These can specify different schemes. The rules the compiler uses to choose the color scheme that it will use are as follows.

  1. If the command line contains a ‘--color-scheme’ option, the compiler will use its color scheme. (If the command line contains more than one ‘--color-scheme’ option, the compiler will use the last one.)
  2. If the command line contains no ‘--color-scheme’ option, but the environment variable ‘MERCURY_COLOR_SCHEME’ exists and contains a nonempty string, then the compiler will use its color scheme.
  3. If the command line contains no ‘--color-scheme’ option, and the environment variable ‘MERCURY_COLOR_SCHEME’ does not exist or contains an empty string, but the files named in any ‘--options-file’ compiler options (or, in the absence of such options, the ‘Mercury.options’ file), include a ‘--color-scheme’ option among the module-specific ‘MCFLAGS’ for the current module, then the compiler will use its color scheme. (If the options file(s) contain more than one ‘--color-scheme’ option, the compiler will use the last one.)
  4. In the absence of a ‘--color-scheme’ option on the command line, in the ‘MERCURY_COLOR_SCHEME’ environment variable and in the options files, the compiler will use its default color scheme, which is ‘light16’. This scheme works reasonably well even on dark backgrounds, even though (as its name indicates) it was designed for light backgrounds. (This assumes that the color slots it uses hold either their standard colors, or something reasonably close to them.)

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