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%--------------------------------------------------% % vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et %--------------------------------------------------% % Copyright (C) 2002-2007, 2009-2012 The University of Melbourne. % Copyright (C) 2013-2018 The Mercury team. % This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB. %--------------------------------------------------% % % File: type_desc.m. % Main author: fjh, zs. % Stability: low. % %--------------------------------------------------% %--------------------------------------------------% :- module type_desc. :- interface. :- import_module list. %--------------------------------------------------% % The `type_desc', `pseudo_type_desc' and `type_ctor_desc' types % provide access to type information. % A type_desc represents a type, e.g. `list(int)'. % A pseudo_type_desc represents a type that possibly contains type % variables, e.g. `list(T)'. % A type_ctor_desc represents a type constructor, e.g. `list/1'. % :- type type_desc. :- type pseudo_type_desc. :- type type_ctor_desc. % The possibly nonground type represented by a pseudo_type_desc % is either a type constructor applied to zero or more % pseudo_type_descs, or a type variable. If the latter, the % type variable may be either universally or existentially quantified. % In either case, the type is identified by an integer, which has no % meaning beyond the fact that two type variables will be represented % by identical integers if and only if they are the same type variable. % Existentially quantified type variables may have type class % constraints placed on them, but for now we can't return these. % :- type pseudo_type_rep ---> bound(type_ctor_desc, list(pseudo_type_desc)) ; univ_tvar(int) ; exist_tvar(int). :- pred pseudo_type_desc_is_ground(pseudo_type_desc::in) is semidet. % This function allows the caller to look into the structure % of the given pseudo_type_desc. % :- func pseudo_type_desc_to_rep(pseudo_type_desc) = pseudo_type_rep. % Convert a type_desc, which by definition describes a ground type, % to a pseudo_type_desc. % :- func type_desc_to_pseudo_type_desc(type_desc) = pseudo_type_desc. % Convert a pseudo_type_desc describing a ground type to a type_desc. % If the pseudo_type_desc describes a non-ground type, fail. % :- func ground_pseudo_type_desc_to_type_desc(pseudo_type_desc) = type_desc is semidet. :- pred ground_pseudo_type_desc_to_type_desc(pseudo_type_desc::in, type_desc::out) is semidet. % Convert a pseudo_type_desc describing a ground type to a type_desc. % Throw an exception if the pseudo_type_desc describes a non-ground type. % :- func det_ground_pseudo_type_desc_to_type_desc(pseudo_type_desc) = type_desc. %--------------------------------------------------% % The function type_of/1 returns a representation of the type % of its argument. % % (Note: it is not possible for the type of a variable to be an unbound % type variable; if there are no constraints on a type variable, then the % typechecker will use the type `void'. `void' is a special (builtin) type % that has no constructors. There is no way of creating an object of % type `void'. `void' is not considered to be a discriminated union, so % get_functor/5 and construct/3 will fail if used upon a value of % this type.) % :- func type_of(T::unused) = (type_desc::out) is det. % The predicate has_type/2 is basically an existentially typed inverse % to the function type_of/1. It constrains the type of the first argument % to be the type represented by the second argument. % :- some [T] pred has_type(T::unused, type_desc::in) is det. % The predicate same_type/2 ensures type identity of the two arguments. % :- pred same_type(T::unused, T::unused) is det. % type_name(Type) returns the name of the specified type % (e.g. type_name(type_of([2,3])) = "list.list(int)"). % Any equivalence types will be fully expanded. % Builtin types (those defined in builtin.m) will not have % a module qualifier. % :- func type_name(type_desc) = string. % type_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, TypeArgs): % % True iff `TypeCtor' is a representation of the top-level type constructor % for `Type', and `TypeArgs' is a list of the corresponding type arguments % to `TypeCtor', and `TypeCtor' is not an equivalence type. % % For example, type_ctor_and_args(type_of([2,3]), TypeCtor, TypeArgs) % will bind `TypeCtor' to a representation of the type constructor list/1, % and will bind `TypeArgs' to the list `[Int]', where `Int' is a % representation of the type `int'. % % Note that the requirement that `TypeCtor' not be an equivalence type % is fulfilled by fully expanding any equivalence types. For example, % if you have a declaration `:- type foo == bar.', then % type_ctor_and_args/3 will always return a representation of type % constructor `bar/0', not `foo/0'. (If you don't want them expanded, % you can use the reverse mode of make_type/2 instead.) % :- pred type_ctor_and_args(type_desc::in, type_ctor_desc::out, list(type_desc)::out) is det. % pseudo_type_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, TypeArgs): % % True iff `TypeCtor' is a representation of the top-level type constructor % for `Type', and `TypeArgs' is a list of the corresponding type arguments % to `TypeCtor', and `TypeCtor' is not an equivalence type. % % Similar to type_ctor_and_args, but works on pseudo_type_infos. % Fails if the input pseudo_type_info is a variable. % :- pred pseudo_type_ctor_and_args(pseudo_type_desc::in, type_ctor_desc::out, list(pseudo_type_desc)::out) is semidet. % type_ctor(Type) = TypeCtor :- % type_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, _). % :- func type_ctor(type_desc) = type_ctor_desc. % pseudo_type_ctor(Type) = TypeCtor :- % pseudo_type_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, _). % :- func pseudo_type_ctor(pseudo_type_desc) = type_ctor_desc is semidet. % type_args(Type) = TypeArgs :- % type_ctor_and_args(Type, _, TypeArgs). % :- func type_args(type_desc) = list(type_desc). % pseudo_type_args(Type) = TypeArgs :- % pseudo_type_ctor_and_args(Type, _, TypeArgs). % :- func pseudo_type_args(pseudo_type_desc) = list(pseudo_type_desc) is semidet. % type_ctor_name(TypeCtor) returns the name of specified type constructor. % (e.g. type_ctor_name(type_ctor(type_of([2,3]))) = "list"). % :- func type_ctor_name(type_ctor_desc) = string. % type_ctor_module_name(TypeCtor) returns the module name of specified % type constructor. % (e.g. type_ctor_module_name(type_ctor(type_of(2))) = "builtin"). % :- func type_ctor_module_name(type_ctor_desc) = string. % type_ctor_arity(TypeCtor) returns the arity of specified % type constructor. % (e.g. type_ctor_arity(type_ctor(type_of([2,3]))) = 1). % :- func type_ctor_arity(type_ctor_desc) = int. % type_ctor_name_and_arity(TypeCtor, ModuleName, TypeName, Arity) :- % Name = type_ctor_name(TypeCtor), % ModuleName = type_ctor_module_name(TypeCtor), % Arity = type_ctor_arity(TypeCtor). % :- pred type_ctor_name_and_arity(type_ctor_desc::in, string::out, string::out, int::out) is det. % make_type(TypeCtor, TypeArgs) = Type: % % True iff `Type' is a type constructed by applying the type constructor % `TypeCtor' to the type arguments `TypeArgs'. % % Operationally, the forwards mode returns the type formed by applying % the specified type constructor to the specified argument types, or fails % if the length of TypeArgs is not the same as the arity of TypeCtor. % The reverse mode returns a type constructor and its argument types, % given a type_desc; the type constructor returned may be an equivalence % type (and hence this reverse mode of make_type/2 may be more useful % for some purposes than the type_ctor/1 function). % :- func make_type(type_ctor_desc, list(type_desc)) = type_desc. :- mode make_type(in, in) = out is semidet. :- mode make_type(out, out) = in is cc_multi. % det_make_type(TypeCtor, TypeArgs): % % Returns the type formed by applying the specified type constructor % to the specified argument types. Throws an exception if the length of % `TypeArgs' is not the same as the arity of `TypeCtor'. % :- func det_make_type(type_ctor_desc, list(type_desc)) = type_desc. %--------------------------------------------------% %--------------------------------------------------%
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