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41 integer

% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=mercury
% Copyright (C) 1997-2000, 2003-2007, 2011-2012 The University of Melbourne.
% Copyright (C) 2014-2022 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: integer.m.
% Main authors: aet, Dan Hazel <>.
% Stability: high.
% This module defines an arbitrary precision integer type (named "integer")
% and basic arithmetic operations on it.
% The builtin Mercury type "int" is implemented as machine integers,
% which on virtually all modern machines will be 32 or 64 bits in size.
% If you need to manipulate integers that may not fit into this many bits,
% you will want to use "integer"s instead of "int"s.
% NOTE: All the operators we define on "integers" behave the same as the
% corresponding operators on "int"s. This includes the operators related
% to division: /, //, rem, div, and mod.

:- module integer.
:- interface.

:- type integer.

% Constants.

    % Equivalent to integer(-1).
:- func negative_one = integer.

    % Equivalent to integer(0).
:- func zero = integer.

    % Equivalent to integer(1).
:- func one = integer.

    % Equivalent to integer(2).
:- func two = integer.

    % Equivalent to integer(8).
:- func eight = integer.

    % Equivalent to integer(10).
:- func ten = integer.

    % Equivalent to integer(16).
:- func sixteen = integer.


    % X < Y: Succeed if and only if X is less than Y.
:- pred '<'(integer::in, integer::in) is semidet.

    % X > Y: Succeed if and only if X is greater than Y.
:- pred '>'(integer::in, integer::in) is semidet.

    % X =< Y: Succeed if and only if X is less than or equal to Y.
:- pred '=<'(integer::in, integer::in) is semidet.

    % X >= Y: Succeed if and only if X is greater than or equal to Y.
:- pred '>='(integer::in, integer::in) is semidet.

    % Absolute value.
:- func abs(integer) = integer.

    % True if the argument is equal to
:- pred is_zero(integer::in) is semidet.


    % Unary plus.
:- func '+'(integer) = integer.

    % Unary minus.
:- func '-'(integer) = integer.

    % Addition.
:- func integer + integer = integer.

    % Subtraction.
:- func integer - integer = integer.

    % Multiplication.
:- func integer * integer = integer.

    % Flooring integer division.
    % Behaves as int.div.
:- func integer div integer = integer.

    % Truncating integer division.
    % Behaves as int.(//).
:- func integer // integer = integer.

    % Modulus.
    % Behaves as int.mod.
:- func integer mod integer = integer.

    % Remainder.
    % Behaves as int.rem.
:- func integer rem integer = integer.

    % divide_with_rem(X, Y, Q, R) where Q = X // Y and R = X rem Y
    % where both answers are calculated at the same time.
:- pred divide_with_rem(integer::in, integer::in,
    integer::out, integer::out) is det.

    % Exponentiation.
    % pow(X, Y) = Z: Z is X raised to the Yth power.
    % Throws a `domain_error' exception if Y is negative.
:- func pow(integer, integer) = integer.


    % Left shift.
    % Behaves as int.(<<).
:- func integer << int = integer.

    % Right shift.
    % Behaves as int.(>>).
:- func integer >> int = integer.


    % Bitwise complement.
:- func \ integer = integer.

    % Bitwise and.
:- func integer /\ integer = integer.

    % Bitwise or.
:- func integer \/ integer = integer.

    % Bitwise exclusive or (xor).
:- func integer `xor` integer = integer.


    % Convert an integer to an int.
    % Fails if the integer is not in the range [min_int, max_int].
:- pred to_int(integer::in, int::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_to_int(integer) = int.


    % Convert an integer to a uint.
    % Fails if the integer is not in the range [0, max_uint].
:- pred to_uint(integer::in, uint::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_to_uint(integer) = uint.

    % Convert an integer to an int8.
    % Fails if the integer is not in the range [-128, 127].
:- pred to_int8(integer::in, int8::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_to_int8(integer) = int8.

    % Convert an integer to a uint8.
    % Fails if the integer is not in the range [0, 255].
:- pred to_uint8(integer::in, uint8::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_to_uint8(integer) = uint8.

    % Convert an integer to an int16.
    % Fails if the integer is not in the range [-32768, 32767].
:- pred to_int16(integer::in, int16::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_to_int16(integer) = int16.

    % Convert an integer to a uint16.
    % Fails if the integer is not in the range [0, 65535].
:- pred to_uint16(integer::in, uint16::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_to_uint16(integer) = uint16.

    % Convert an integer to an int32.
    % Fails if the integer is not in the range [-2147483648, 2147483647].
:- pred to_int32(integer::in, int32::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_to_int32(integer) = int32.

    % Convert an integer to a uint32.
    % Fails if the integer is not in range [0, 4294967295].
:- pred to_uint32(integer::in, uint32::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_to_uint32(integer) = uint32.

    % Convert an integer to an int64.
    % Fails if the integer is not in the range
    % [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807].
:- pred to_int64(integer::in, int64::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_to_int64(integer) = int64.

    % Convert an integer to a uint64.
    % Fails if the integer is not in range [0, 18446744073709551615].
:- pred to_uint64(integer::in, uint64::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_to_uint64(integer) = uint64.


    % Convert an integer to a float.
:- func float(integer) = float.


    % Convert an integer to a string (in base 10).
:- func to_string(integer) = string.

    % to_base_string(Integer, Base) = String:
    % Convert an integer to a string in a given Base.
    % Base must be between 2 and 36, both inclusive; if it is not,
    % the predicate will throw an exception.
:- func to_base_string(integer, int) = string.


    % Convert an int to integer.
:- func integer(int) = integer.

    % Convert a uint to an integer.
:- func from_uint(uint) = integer.

    % Convert an int8 to an integer.
:- func from_int8(int8) = integer.

    % Convert a uint8 to an integer.
:- func from_uint8(uint8) = integer.

    % Convert an int16 to an integer.
:- func from_int16(int16) = integer.

    % Convert a uint16 to an integer.
:- func from_uint16(uint16) = integer.

    % Convert an int32 to an integer.
:- func from_int32(int32) = integer.

    % Convert a uint32 to an integer.
:- func from_uint32(uint32) = integer.

    % Convert an int64 to an integer.
:- func from_int64(int64) = integer.

    % Convert a uint64 to an integer.
:- func from_uint64(uint64) = integer.

    % Convert a string to an integer. The string must contain only digits
    % [0-9], optionally preceded by a plus or minus sign. If the string does
    % not match this syntax, then the predicate fails.
:- pred from_string(string::in, integer::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_from_string(string) = integer.

    % Convert a string in the specified base (2-36) to an integer.
    % The string must contain one or more digits in the specified base,
    % optionally preceded by a plus or minus sign. For bases > 10, digits
    % 10 to 35 are represented by the letters A-Z or a-z. If the string
    % does not match this syntax, then the predicate fails.
:- pred from_base_string(int::in, string::in, integer::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throws an exception rather than failing.
:- func det_from_base_string(int, string) = integer.


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