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8.3.3 Combined higher-order types and insts

A higher-order type may optionally specify an inst in the following manner:

(pred) is Determinism
pred(Type::Mode) is Determinism
pred(Type1::Mode1, Type2::Mode2) is Determinism
(func) = (Type::Mode) is Determinism
func(Type1::Mode1) = (Type::Mode) is Determinism
func(Type1::Mode1, Type2::Mode2) = (Type::Mode) is Determinism

When used as argument types of functors in type declarations, types of this form have two effects. First, for any unification that constructs a term using such an argument, there is an additional mode constraint that the argument must be approximated by the inst. In other words, to be mode correct a program must not construct any term where a functor has an argument that does not have the declared inst, if present.

The second effect is that when a unification deconstructs a ground term to extract an argument with such a declared inst, the extracted argument may then be used as if it had that inst.

For example, given this type declaration:

:- type job
    --->    job(pred(int::out, io::di, io::uo) is det).

the following goal is correct:

:- pred run(job::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
run(Job, !IO) :-
    Job = job(Pred),
    Pred(Result, !IO),          % Pred has the necessary inst
    write_line(Result, !IO).

However, the following would be a mode error:

:- pred bad(job::out) is det.
bad(job(p)).                    % Error: p does not have required mode

:- pred p(int::in, io::di, io::out) is det.

As a new feature, combined higher-order types and insts are only permitted as direct arguments of functors in discriminated unions. So the following examples currently result in errors.

% Error: use on the RHS of equivalence types.
:- type p == (pred(io::di, io::uo) is det).
:- type f == (func(int::in) = (int::out) is semidet).

% Error: use inside a type constructor.
:- type jobs
    --->    jobs(list(pred(int::out, io::di, io::uo) is det)).

% Error: use in a pred/func declaration.
:- pred p((pred(io::di, io::uo) is det)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- func f(func(int::in) = (int::out) is semidet, int) = int.

Future versions of the language may allow these forms.

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