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89 term_conversion

% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=mercury
% Copyright (C) 2015-2018 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: term_conversion.m.
% Stability: medium.
% This file provides predicates to convert values of arbitrary types to terms,
% and vice versa.

:- module term_conversion.
:- interface.

:- import_module list.
:- import_module term.
:- import_module type_desc.
:- import_module univ.

% Types that record the results of term to type conversions.

:- type term_to_type_result(T, U)
    --->    ok(T)
    ;       error(term_to_type_error(U)).

:- type term_to_type_result(T) == term_to_type_result(T, generic).

:- type term_to_type_error(T)
    --->    type_error(
    ;       mode_error(

:- type term_to_type_context == list(term_to_type_arg_context).

:- type term_to_type_arg_context
    --->    arg_context(
                const,      % functor
                int,        % argument number (starting from 1)
                context     % filename & line number

% The following predicates can convert values of (almost) any type
% to the type `term' and back again.

    % try_term_to_type(Term, Result):
    % Try to convert the given term to a ground value of type T.
    % If successful, return `ok(X)' where X is the converted value.
    % If Term is not ground, return `mode_error(Var, Context)',
    % where Var is a variable occurring in Term.
    % If Term is not a valid term of the specified type, return
    % `type_error(SubTerm, ExpectedType, Context, ArgContexts)',
    % where SubTerm is a sub-term of Term and ExpectedType is the type
    % expected for that part of Term.
    % Context specifies the file and line number where the
    % offending part of the term was read in from, if available.
    % ArgContexts specifies the path from the root of the term
    % to the offending subterm.
:- func try_term_to_type(term(U)) = term_to_type_result(T, U).
:- pred try_term_to_type(term(U)::in, term_to_type_result(T, U)::out) is det.

    % term_to_type(Term, Type) :- try_term_to_type(Term, ok(Type)).
:- pred term_to_type(term(U)::in, T::out) is semidet.

    % Like term_to_type, but calls error/1 rather than failing.
:- func det_term_to_type(term(_)) = T.
:- pred det_term_to_type(term(_)::in, T::out) is det.

    % Converts a value to a term representation of that value.
:- func type_to_term(T) = term(_).
:- pred type_to_term(T::in, term(_)::out) is det.

    % Convert the value stored in the univ (as distinct from the univ itself)
    % to a term.
:- func univ_to_term(univ) = term(_).
:- pred univ_to_term(univ::in, term(_)::out) is det.


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