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84 stream.string_writer

% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
% Copyright (C) 2006-2007, 2011 The University of Melbourne.
% Copyright (C) 2014-2018 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: stream.string_writer.m.
% Authors: trd, fjh, stayl
% Predicates to write to streams that accept strings.

:- module stream.string_writer.
:- interface.

:- import_module char.
:- import_module deconstruct.
:- import_module io.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module univ.


:- pred put_int(Stream::in, int::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred put_uint(Stream::in, uint::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred put_int8(Stream::in, int8::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred put_uint8(Stream::in, uint8::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred put_int16(Stream::in, int16::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred put_uint16(Stream::in, uint16::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred put_int32(Stream::in, int32::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred put_uint32(Stream::in, uint32::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred put_int64(Stream::in, int64::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred put_uint64(Stream::in, uint64::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred put_float(Stream::in, float::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred put_char(Stream::in, char::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

    % A version of io.format that works for arbitrary string writers.
:- pred format(Stream::in, string::in, list(poly_type)::in,
    State::di, State::uo) is det <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

:- pred nl(Stream::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= stream.writer(Stream, string, State).

    % print/4 writes its second argument to the string writer stream specified
    % in its first argument. In all cases, the argument to output can be of
    % any type. It is output in a format that is intended to be human readable.
    % If the argument is just a single string or character, it will be printed
    % out exactly as is (unquoted). If the argument is of type integer (i.e.
    % an arbitrary precision integer), then its decimal representation will be
    % printed. If the argument is of type univ, then the value stored in the
    % the univ will be printed out, but not the type. If the argument is of
    % type date_time, it will be printed out in the same form as the string
    % returned by the function date_to_string/1. If the argument is of type
    % duration, it will be printed out in the same form as the string
    % returned by the function duration_to_string/1.
    % print/5 is the same as print/4 except that it allows the caller to
    % specify how non-canonical types should be handled. print/4 implicitly
    % specifies `canonicalize' as the method for handling non-canonical types.
    % This means that for higher-order types, or types with user-defined
    % equality axioms, or types defined using the foreign language interface
    % (i.e. pragma foreign_type), the text output will only describe the type
    % that is being printed, not the value.
    % print_cc/4 is the same as print/4 except that it specifies
    % `include_details_cc' rather than `canonicalize'. This means that it will
    % print the details of non-canonical types. However, it has determinism
    % `cc_multi'.
    % Note that even if `include_details_cc' is specified, some implementations
    % may not be able to print all the details for higher-order types or types
    % defined using the foreign language interface.
:- pred print(Stream::in, T::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= (stream.writer(Stream, string, State),
    stream.writer(Stream, char, State)).

:- pred print_cc(Stream::in, T::in, State::di, State::uo) is cc_multi
    <= (stream.writer(Stream, string, State),
    stream.writer(Stream, char, State)).

:- pred print(Stream, deconstruct.noncanon_handling, T, State, State)
    <= (stream.writer(Stream, string, State),
    stream.writer(Stream, char, State)).
:- mode print(in, in(do_not_allow), in, di, uo) is det.
:- mode print(in, in(canonicalize), in, di, uo) is det.
:- mode print(in, in(include_details_cc), in, di, uo) is cc_multi.
:- mode print(in, in, in, di, uo) is cc_multi.

    % write/4 writes its second argument to the string writer stream specified
    % in its first argument. In all cases, the argument to output may be of
    % any type. The argument is written in a format that is intended to be
    % valid Mercury syntax whenever possible.
    % Strings and characters are always printed out in quotes, using backslash
    % escapes if necessary and backslash or octal escapes for all characters
    % for which char.is_control/1 is true. For higher-order types, or for types
    % defined using the foreign language interface (pragma foreign_type), the
    % text output will only describe the type that is being printed, not the
    % value, and the result may not be parsable by `read'. For the types
    % containing existential quantifiers, the type `type_desc' and closure
    % types, the result may not be parsable by `read', either. But in all
    % other cases the format used is standard Mercury syntax, and if you append
    % a period and newline (".\n"), then the results can be read in again using
    % `read'.
    % write/5 is the same as write/4 except that it allows the caller to
    % specify how non-canonical types should be handled. write_cc/4 is the
    % same as write/4 except that it specifies `include_details_cc' rather than
    % `canonicalize'.
:- pred write(Stream::in, T::in, State::di, State::uo) is det
    <= (stream.writer(Stream, string, State),
    stream.writer(Stream, char, State)).

:- pred write_cc(Stream::in, T::in, State::di, State::uo) is cc_multi
    <= (stream.writer(Stream, string, State),
    stream.writer(Stream, char, State)).

:- pred write(Stream, deconstruct.noncanon_handling, T, State, State)
    <= (stream.writer(Stream, string, State),
    stream.writer(Stream, char, State)).
:- mode write(in, in(do_not_allow), in, di, uo) is det.
:- mode write(in, in(canonicalize), in, di, uo) is det.
:- mode write(in, in(include_details_cc), in, di, uo) is cc_multi.
:- mode write(in, in, in, di, uo) is cc_multi.


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