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%--------------------------------------------------% % vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et %--------------------------------------------------% % Copyright (C) 1994-1995, 1997, 1999, 2003-2007, 2009 The University of % Melbourne. % Copyright (C) 2013-2018 The Mercury team. % This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB. %--------------------------------------------------% % % File: pqueue.m. % Main author: conway. % Stability: high. % % This module implements a priority queue ADT. % % A pqueue is a priority queue. A priority queue holds a collection % of key-value pairs; the interface provides operations to create % an empty priority queue, to insert a key-value pair into a priority % queue, and to remove the element with the lowest key. % % Insertion/removal is not guaranteed to be "stable"; that is, % if you insert two values with the same key, the order in which % they will be removed is unspecified. % %--------------------------------------------------% %--------------------------------------------------% :- module pqueue. :- interface. :- import_module assoc_list. %--------------------------------------------------% :- type pqueue(K, V). % Create an empty priority queue. % :- func init = pqueue(K, V). :- pred init(pqueue(K, V)::out) is det. % Succeed iff the priority queue is empty. % :- pred is_empty(pqueue(K, V)::in) is semidet. % Extract the smallest key-value pair from the priority queue without % removing it. Fails if the priority queue is empty. % :- pred peek(pqueue(K, V)::in, K::out, V::out) is semidet. % Extract the smallest key from the priority queue without removing it. % Fail if the priority queue is empty. % :- pred peek_key(pqueue(K, V)::in, K::out) is semidet. % Extract the smallest value from the priority queue without removing it. % Fail if the priority queue is empty. % :- pred peek_value(pqueue(K, V)::in, V::out) is semidet. % As above, but call error/1 if the priority queue is empty. % :- pred det_peek(pqueue(K, V)::in, K::out, V::out) is det. :- func det_peek_key(pqueue(K, V)) = K. :- func det_peek_value(pqueue(K, V)) = V. % Insert a value V with key K into the given priority queue, % and return the updated priority queue. % :- func insert(pqueue(K, V), K, V) = pqueue(K, V). :- pred insert(K::in, V::in, pqueue(K, V)::in, pqueue(K, V)::out) is det. % Remove the smallest item from the priority queue. % Fail if the priority queue is empty. % :- pred remove(K::out, V::out, pqueue(K, V)::in, pqueue(K, V)::out) is semidet. % As above, but calls error/1 if the priority queue is empty. % :- pred det_remove(K::out, V::out, pqueue(K, V)::in, pqueue(K, V)::out) is det. % Merge all the entries of one priority queue with another, % returning the merged list. % :- func merge(pqueue(K, V), pqueue(K, V)) = pqueue(K, V). :- pred merge(pqueue(K, V)::in, pqueue(K, V)::in, pqueue(K, V)::out) is det. % Extract all the items from a priority queue by repeated removal, % and place them in an association list. % :- func to_assoc_list(pqueue(K, V)) = assoc_list(K, V). :- pred to_assoc_list(pqueue(K, V)::in, assoc_list(K, V)::out) is det. % Insert all the key-value pairs in an association list % into a priority queue. % :- func assoc_list_to_pqueue(assoc_list(K, V)) = pqueue(K, V). :- pred assoc_list_to_pqueue(assoc_list(K, V)::in, pqueue(K, V)::out) is det. % A synonym for assoc_list_to_pqueue/1. % :- func from_assoc_list(assoc_list(K, V)) = pqueue(K, V). % length(PQueue) = Length. % % Length is the number of items in PQueue. % :- func length(pqueue(K, V)) = int. %--------------------------------------------------% %--------------------------------------------------%
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