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49 mercury_term_parser

% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
% Copyright (C) 1995-2001, 2003-2008, 2011-2012 The University of Melbourne.
% Copyright (C) 2014-2020 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: mercury_term_parser.m.
% Main author: fjh.
% Stability: high.
% This file exports the predicate read_term, which reads a term from the
% current input stream. The read_term_from_*string predicates are the same as
% the read_term predicates, except that the term is read from a string rather
% than from the current input stream. The parse_tokens predicate is
% similar, but it takes a list of tokens rather than a string.
% The parser is a relatively straight-forward top-down recursive descent
% parser, made somewhat complicated by the need to handle operator precedences.
% It uses `mercury_term_lexer.get_token_list' to read a list of tokens.
% It uses the routines from the module `ops' to look up operator precedences.

:- module mercury_term_parser.
:- interface.

:- import_module io.
:- import_module mercury_term_lexer.
:- import_module ops.
:- import_module term_io.


    % read_term(Result, !IO):
    % read_term(Stream, Result, !IO):
    % Reads a Mercury term from the current input stream or from Stream.
:- pred read_term(read_term(T)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- pred read_term(io.text_input_stream::in, read_term(T)::out,
    io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % read_term_with_op_table(Ops, Result, !IO):
    % read_term_with_op_table(Stream, Ops, Result, !IO):
    % Reads a term from the current input stream or from Stream,
    % using the given op_table to interpret the operators.
:- pred read_term_with_op_table(Ops::in,
    read_term(T)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det <= op_table(Ops).
:- pred read_term_with_op_table(io.text_input_stream::in, Ops::in,
    read_term(T)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det <= op_table(Ops).

    % read_term_filename(FileName, Result, !IO):
    % read_term_filename(Stream, FileName, Result, !IO):
    % Reads a term from the current input stream or from Stream.
    % The string is the filename to use for the stream; this is used
    % in constructing the term.contexts in the read term.
    % This interface is used to support the `:- pragma source_file' directive.
:- pred read_term_filename(string::in,
    read_term(T)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- pred read_term_filename(io.text_input_stream::in, string::in,
    read_term(T)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % read_term_filename_with_op_table(Ops, FileName, Result, !IO):
    % read_term_filename_with_op_table(Stream, Ops, FileName, Result, !IO):
    % As above but using the given op_table.
:- pred read_term_filename_with_op_table(Ops::in,
    string::in, read_term(T)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det <= op_table(Ops).
:- pred read_term_filename_with_op_table(io.text_input_stream::in, Ops::in,
    string::in, read_term(T)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det <= op_table(Ops).


    % The read_term_from_string predicates are the same as the read_term
    % predicates, except that the term is read from a string rather than from
    % the current input stream. The returned value `EndPos' is the position
    % one character past the end of the term read. The arguments `StringLen'
    % and `StartPos' in the read_term_from_substring* versions specify
    % the length of the string and the position within the string
    % at which to start parsing.

    % read_term_from_string(FileName, String, EndPos, Term).
:- pred read_term_from_string(string::in, string::in, posn::out,
    read_term(T)::out) is det.

    % read_term_from_string_with_op_table(Ops, FileName, String, EndPos, Term).
:- pred read_term_from_string_with_op_table(Ops::in, string::in,
    string::in, posn::out, read_term(T)::out) is det <= op_table(Ops).

    % read_term_from_substring(FileName, String, StringLen,
    %   StartPos, EndPos, Term).
    % read_term_from_linestr(FileName, String, StringLen,
    %   StartLineContext, EndLineContext, StartLinePosn, EndLinePosn, Term).
:- pred read_term_from_substring(string::in, string::in, int::in,
    posn::in, posn::out, read_term(T)::out) is det.
:- pred read_term_from_linestr(string::in, string::in, int::in,
    line_context::in, line_context::out, line_posn::in, line_posn::out,
    read_term(T)::out) is det.

    % read_term_from_substring_with_op_table(Ops, FileName, String, StringLen,
    %   StartPos, EndPos, Term).
    % read_term_from_linestr_with_op_table(Ops, FileName, String, StringLen,
    %   StartLineContext, EndLineContext, StartLinePosn, EndLinePosn, Term).
:- pred read_term_from_substring_with_op_table(Ops::in, string::in,
    string::in, int::in, posn::in, posn::out, read_term(T)::out) is det
    <= op_table(Ops).
:- pred read_term_from_linestr_with_op_table(Ops::in, string::in,
    string::in, int::in,
    line_context::in, line_context::out, line_posn::in, line_posn::out,
    read_term(T)::out) is det <= op_table(Ops).


    % parse_tokens(FileName, TokenList, Result):
:- pred parse_tokens(string::in, token_list::in, read_term(T)::out) is det.

    % parse_tokens(Ops, FileName, TokenList, Result):
:- pred parse_tokens_with_op_table(Ops::in, string::in, token_list::in,
    read_term(T)::out) is det <= op_table(Ops).


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