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9.3 Verbosity options


Output progress messages at each stage in the compilation.


Output very verbose progress messages.


Explain error messages. Asks the compiler to give you a more detailed explanation of any errors it finds in your program.


Disable messages about the progress of builds using the ‘--make’ option.


Output each external command before it is run. Note that some commands will only be printed with ‘--verbose’.


When using ‘--smart-recompilation’, output messages explaining why a module needs to be recompiled.


Find all the reasons why a module needs to be recompiled, not just the first. Implies ‘--verbose-recompilation’.

--output-compile-error-lines n

With ‘--make’, output the first n lines of the ‘.err’ file after compiling a module (default: 100). Specifying –no-output-compile-error-lines removes the limit.


Report the command line arguments.


Report the command line arguments for compilations whose output mmake normally redirects to a ‘.err’ file.


Output messages about the compiler’s time/space usage. At the moment this option implies ‘--no-trad-passes’, so you get information at the boundaries between phases of the compiler.

--proc-size-statistics filename

Append information about the size of each procedure in the module in terms of goals and variables to the end of the named file.

--limit-error-contexts filename:minline1-maxline1,minline2-maxline2

Print errors and warnings for the named file only when their line number is in one of the specified ranges. The minimum or maximum line number in each range may be omitted, in which case the range has no lower or upper bound respectively. Multiple ‘--limit-error-context’ options accumulate. If more than one ‘--limit-error-context’ option is given for the same file, only the last one will have an effect. If the file name and colon are missing, the limit will apply to all files.

--color-scheme ColorScheme
--colour-scheme ColorScheme

Specify the color scheme to use for diagnostics, if the use of color in diagnostics is enabled. For information about how the compiler uses colors in diagnostic messages, and about the syntax of color scheme specifications, please see the Color schemes section for the details.


Disable the use of colors in diagnostic messages. Please see Enabling the use of color for the details.


Output debugging traces of the mode checking.


Output detailed debugging traces of the mode checking.

--debug-modes-pred-id predid

With ‘--debug-modes’, restrict the debugging traces to the mode checking of the predicate or function with the specified pred id.


Output detailed debugging traces of determinism analysis.


Output detailed debugging traces of the optimization process.

--debug-opt-pred-id predid

Output detailed debugging traces of the optimization process only for the predicate/function with the specified pred id. May be given more than once.

--debug-opt-pred-name name

Output detailed debugging traces of the optimization process only for the predicate/function with the specified name. May be given more than once.


Output detailed debugging traces of the partial deduction and deforestation process.

--debug-liveness <n>

Output detailed debugging traces of the liveness analysis of the predicate with the given predicate id.


Output detailed debugging traces of the ‘--make’ option.


Output detailed debugging traces of the ‘--intermodule-analysis’ option.


Output detailed debugging traces of the indirect reuse pass of ‘--structure-reuse’ option.


Output debugging traces of type representation choices.

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