To build a library from the source ‘mypackage.m’ (and other included modules), run ‘mmc’ with the following arguments:
mmc --make libmypackage
‘mmc’ will create static (non-shared) object libraries and, on most platforms, shared object libraries; however, we do not yet support the creation of dynamic link libraries (DLLs) on Windows. Use the ‘mmc’ option ‘--lib-linkage’ to specify which versions of the library should be created: ‘shared’ or ‘static’. The ‘--lib-linkage’ option can be specified multiple times. In our example, the files ‘libmypackage.a’ and ‘’ should appear in the current directory. (On macOS ‘libmypackage.dylib’ will appear instead of ‘’.)
Other programs can more easily use a library that is installed. To install the library, issue the following command:
mmc --make --install-prefix <dir> libmypackage.install
‘mmc’ will create the directory ‘<dir>/lib/mercury’ and install the library there. The library will be compiled in all valid grades and with all interface files. Because several grades are usually compiled, installing the library can be a lengthy process. You can specify the set of installed grades using the option ‘--no-libgrade’ followed by ‘--libgrade <grade>’ for all grades you wish to install.
If no ‘--install-prefix <dir>’ is specified, the library will be installed in the standard location, next to the Mercury standard library.