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98 term_subst

% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=mercury
% Copyright (C) 1993-2000,2003-2009,2011-2012 The University of Melbourne.
% Copyright (C) 2014-2022 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: term_subst.m.
% Main author: fjh.
% Stability: medium.
% This file provides operations that perform substitutions of various kinds
% on terms.

:- module term_subst.
:- interface.

:- import_module list.
:- import_module term.

% Predicates that look for variables in terms, possibly after a substitution.

    % var_occurs_in_subst_term(Var, Substitution, Term):
    % True iff Var occurs in the term resulting after applying Substitution
    % to Term. Var must not be mapped by Substitution.
:- pred var_occurs_in_subst_term(var(T)::in, substitution(T)::in,
    term(T)::in) is semidet.

    % As above, except for a list of terms rather than a single term.
:- pred var_occurs_in_subst_terms(var(T)::in, substitution(T)::in,
    list(term(T))::in)   is semidet.

    % term_is_ground(Term) is true iff Term contains no variables.
:- pred term_is_ground(term(T)::in) is semidet.

    % term_is_ground_in_bindings(Term, Bindings) is true iff
    % all variables contained in Term are mapped to ground terms by Bindings.
:- pred term_is_ground_in_bindings(term(T)::in, substitution(T)::in)
    is semidet.

% Rename predicates that specify the substitution by giving the
% variable/variable pair or pairs directly.

    % rename_var_in_term(Var, ReplacementVar, Term0, Term):
    % Replace all occurrences of Var in Term0 with ReplacementVar,
    % and return the result in Term.
:- pred rename_var_in_term(var(T)::in, var(T)::in,
    term(T)::in, term(T)::out) is det.

    % rename_var_in_terms(Var, ReplacementVar, Terms0, Terms):
    % Replace all occurrences of Var in Terms0 with ReplacementVar,
    % and return the result in Terms.
:- pred rename_var_in_terms(var(T)::in, var(T)::in,
    list(term(T))::in, list(term(T))::out) is det.

% Rename predicates that specify the rename by giving an explicit
% variable to variable map.

    % apply_renaming_in_var(Renaming, Var0, Var):
    % Apply Renaming in Var0, and return the result as Var.
:- pred apply_renaming_in_var(renaming(T)::in,
    var(T)::in, var(T)::out) is det.

    % apply_renaming_in_vars(Renaming, Vars0, Vars):
    % Apply Renaming in Vars0, and return the result as Vars.
:- pred apply_renaming_in_vars(renaming(T)::in,
    list(var(T))::in, list(var(T))::out) is det.

    % apply_renaming_in_term(Renaming, Term0, Term):
    % Apply Renaming in Term0, and return the result as Term.
:- pred apply_renaming_in_term(renaming(T)::in,
    term(T)::in, term(T)::out) is det.

    % apply_renaming_in_terms(Renaming, Terms0, Terms):
    % Apply Renaming in Terms0, and return the result as Terms.
:- pred apply_renaming_in_terms(renaming(T)::in,
    list(term(T))::in, list(term(T))::out) is det.

% Substitution predicates that specify the substitution by giving the
% variable/term pair or pairs directly.

    % substitute_var_in_term(Var, ReplacementTerm, Term0, Term):
    % Replace all occurrences of Var in Term0 with ReplacementTerm,
    % and return the result in Term.
:- pred substitute_var_in_term(var(T)::in, term(T)::in,
    term(T)::in, term(T)::out) is det.

    % substitute_var_in_terms(Var, ReplacementTerm, Terms0, Terms):
    % Replace all occurrences of Var in Terms0 with ReplacementTerm,
    % and return the result in Terms.
:- pred substitute_var_in_terms(var(T)::in, term(T)::in,
    list(term(T))::in, list(term(T))::out) is det.

    % substitute_corresponding_in_term(Vars, ReplacementTerms, Term0, Term):
    % Replace all occurrences of variables in Vars in Term0 with
    % the corresponding term in ReplacementTerms, and return the result
    % as Term. If Vars contains duplicates, or if Vars and ReplacementTerms
    % have different lengths, the behaviour is undefined and probably harmful.
:- pred substitute_corresponding_in_term(list(var(T))::in, list(term(T))::in,
    term(T)::in, term(T)::out) is det.

    % substitute_corresponding_in_terms(Vars, ReplacementTerms, Terms0, Terms):
    % Replace all occurrences of variables in Vars in Terms0 with
    % the corresponding term in ReplacementTerms, and return the result
    % as Terms. If Vars contains duplicates, or if Vars and ReplacementTerms
    % have different lengths, the behaviour is undefined and probably harmful.
:- pred substitute_corresponding_in_terms(list(var(T))::in, list(term(T))::in,
    list(term(T))::in, list(term(T))::out) is det.

% Substitution predicates that specify the substitution by giving
% an explicit variable to term map.

    % apply_substitution_in_term(Substitution, Term0, Term):
    % Apply Substitution to Term0 and return the result as Term.
:- pred apply_substitution_in_term(substitution(T)::in,
    term(T)::in, term(T)::out) is det.

    % apply_substitution_in_terms(Substitution, Terms0, Terms):
    % Apply Substitution to Terms0 and return the result as Terms.
:- pred apply_substitution_in_terms(substitution(T)::in,
    list(term(T))::in, list(term(T))::out) is det.

    % apply_rec_substitution_in_term(Substitution, Term0, Term):
    % Recursively apply Substitution to Term0 until no more substitutions
    % can be applied, and then return the result as Term.
:- pred apply_rec_substitution_in_term(substitution(T)::in,
    term(T)::in, term(T)::out) is det.

    % apply_rec_substitution_in_terms(Substitution, Terms0, Terms):
    % Recursively apply Substitution to Terms0 until no more substitutions
    % can be applied, and then return the result as Terms.
:- pred apply_rec_substitution_in_terms(substitution(T)::in,
    list(term(T))::in, list(term(T))::out) is det.

% Conversions between variables and terms.

    % Convert a list of terms which are all variables into
    % a list of those variables. Throw an exception if the list contains
    % any terms that are not variables.
:- func term_list_to_var_list(list(term(T))) = list(var(T)).

    % Convert a list of terms which are all variables into
    % a list of those variables.
:- pred term_list_to_var_list(list(term(T))::in, list(var(T))::out) is semidet.

    % Convert a list of variables into a list of terms, each containing
    % one of those variables.
:- func var_list_to_term_list(list(var(T))) = list(term(T)).
:- pred var_list_to_term_list(list(var(T))::in, list(term(T))::out) is det.


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