%--------------------------------------------------% % vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et %--------------------------------------------------% % Copyright (C) 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005-2006 The University of Melbourne. % Copyright (C) 2014-2015, 2021-2024 The Mercury team. % This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB. %--------------------------------------------------% % % File: ra_list.m % Main author: bromage. % Stability: medium-low % % This module implements `random access lists', or ra_lists for short. % It is very similar to a list data type, and it supports O(1) head/tail/cons % operations, but it also supports O(log n) lookup and update. % The representation is a list of perfectly balanced binary trees. % % For more details on the implementation: % % Chris Okasaki, "Purely Functional Random-Access Lists". % Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, % June 1995, pp 86-95. % %--------------------------------------------------% :- module ra_list. :- interface. :- import_module list. :- type ra_list(T). %--------------------------------------------------% % % Constructing ra_lists. % % Return an empty random access list. % :- pred init(ra_list(T)::uo) is det. % Return a random access list containing only the given item. % :- func singleton(T) = ra_list(T). % Return a random access list with the given head and tail. % :- pred cons(T::in, ra_list(T)::in, ra_list(T)::out) is det. %--------------------------------------------------% % % Deconstructing ra_lists. % % Return the head of the given random access list. % Fail if it is empty. % :- pred head(ra_list(T)::in, T::out) is semidet. % Return the tail of the given random access list. % Fail if it is empty. % :- pred tail(ra_list(T)::in, ra_list(T)::out) is semidet. % Return the head and the tail of the given random access list. % Fail if it is empty. % :- pred head_tail(ra_list(T)::in, T::out, ra_list(T)::out) is semidet. %--------------------------------------------------% % % Tests on ra_lists. % % Succeed iff the given random access list is empty. % :- pred is_empty(ra_list(T)::in) is semidet. % Succeed iff the given random access list is not empty. % :- pred is_non_empty(ra_list(T)::in) is semidet. :- pred is_not_empty(ra_list(T)::in) is semidet. % Succeed iff the given random access list contains only one item. % Return that item. % :- pred is_singleton(ra_list(T)::in, T::out) is semidet. %--------------------------------------------------% % % Counting items in ra_lists. % % Return the number of items in the given random access list. % :- func length(ra_list(T)) = int. :- pred length(ra_list(T)::in, int::out) is det. %--------------------------------------------------% % % Random access on ra_lists. % % Return the item at the given index in the given random access list. % The number at the end of the predicate name gives the index of the first % element. % % Fail if the list is not long enough to have an element % at the given index. % :- pred index0(ra_list(T)::in, int::in, T::out) is semidet. :- pred index1(ra_list(T)::in, int::in, T::out) is semidet. % Return the item at the given index in the given random access list. % The number at the end of the predicate name gives the index of the first % element. % % Fail if the list is not long enough to have an element % at the given index. % :- pred det_index0(ra_list(T)::in, int::in, T::out) is det. :- pred det_index1(ra_list(T)::in, int::in, T::out) is det. % Replace the item at the given index in the given random access list. % The first element is at index 0. % % Fail if the list is not long enough to have an element % at the given index. % :- pred update(int::in, T::in, ra_list(T)::in, ra_list(T)::out) is semidet. %--------------------------------------------------% % Append two random access lists. % :- pred append(ra_list(T)::in, ra_list(T)::in, ra_list(T)::out) is det. % Drop the given number of initial items from the given random access list. % % Returns the list unchanged if the number of elements to drop is zero % or negative. % % Fail if the list does not have at least that number of elements. % :- pred drop(int::in, ra_list(T)::in, ra_list(T)::out) is semidet. %--------------------------------------------------% % Convert a list to a random access list. % :- pred list_to_ra_list(list(T)::in, ra_list(T)::out) is det. % Convert a random access list to a plain list. % :- pred ra_list_to_list(ra_list(T)::in, list(T)::out) is det. %--------------------------------------------------% % map(F, L) = M: % map(P, L, M): % % Apply the function F or predicate P to transform the elements of L % into the elements of M. % :- func map(func(T1) = T2, ra_list(T1)) = ra_list(T2). :- pred map(pred(T1, T2), ra_list(T1), ra_list(T2)). :- mode map(in(pred(in, out) is det), in, out) is det. :- mode map(in(pred(in, out) is cc_multi), in, out) is cc_multi. :- mode map(in(pred(in, out) is semidet), in, out) is semidet. :- mode map(in(pred(in, out) is multi), in, out) is multi. :- mode map(in(pred(in, out) is nondet), in, out) is nondet. :- mode map(in(pred(in, in) is semidet), in, in) is semidet. % foldl(Func, List, Start) = End: % foldl(Pred, List, Start, End): % % Calls Func or Pred on each element of List, working left-to-right. % Each call to Func or Pred will have a pair of arguments that represent % respectively the current and the next value of a piece of state. % (Such current-next argument pairs are usually called an accumulator, % because the usual use case is that the successive calls to Func or Pred % accumulate pieces of information.) The initial value of the accumulator % is Start, each call to Func or Pred updates it to the next value, and % foldl returns its final value as End. % :- func foldl(func(T, A) = A, ra_list(T), A) = A. :- pred foldl(pred(T, A, A), ra_list(T), A, A). :- mode foldl(in(pred(in, in, out) is det), in, in, out) is det. :- mode foldl(in(pred(in, mdi, muo) is det), in, mdi, muo) is det. :- mode foldl(in(pred(in, di, uo) is det), in, di, uo) is det. :- mode foldl(in(pred(in, in, out) is semidet), in, in, out) is semidet. :- mode foldl(in(pred(in, mdi, muo) is semidet), in, mdi, muo) is semidet. :- mode foldl(in(pred(in, di, uo) is semidet), in, di, uo) is semidet. :- mode foldl(in(pred(in, in, out) is multi), in, in, out) is multi. :- mode foldl(in(pred(in, in, out) is nondet), in, in, out) is nondet. :- mode foldl(in(pred(in, mdi, muo) is nondet), in, mdi, muo) is nondet. :- mode foldl(in(pred(in, in, out) is cc_multi), in, in, out) is cc_multi. :- mode foldl(in(pred(in, di, uo) is cc_multi), in, di, uo) is cc_multi. % foldr(Func, List, Start) = End: % foldr(Pred, List, Start, End): % % Calls Func or Pred on each element of List, working right-to-left. % Each call to Func or Pred will have a pair of arguments that represent % respectively the current and the next value of a piece of state. % (Such current-next argument pairs are usually called an accumulator, % because the usual use case is that the successive calls to Func or Pred % accumulate pieces of information.) The initial value of the accumulator % is Start, each call to Func or Pred updates it to the next value, and % foldl returns its final value as End. % :- func foldr(func(T, A) = A, ra_list(T), A) = A. :- pred foldr(pred(T, A, A), ra_list(T), A, A). :- mode foldr(in(pred(in, in, out) is det), in, in, out) is det. :- mode foldr(in(pred(in, mdi, muo) is det), in, mdi, muo) is det. :- mode foldr(in(pred(in, di, uo) is det), in, di, uo) is det. :- mode foldr(in(pred(in, in, out) is semidet), in, in, out) is semidet. :- mode foldr(in(pred(in, mdi, muo) is semidet), in, mdi, muo) is semidet. :- mode foldr(in(pred(in, di, uo) is semidet), in, di, uo) is semidet. :- mode foldr(in(pred(in, in, out) is multi), in, in, out) is multi. :- mode foldr(in(pred(in, in, out) is nondet), in, in, out) is nondet. :- mode foldr(in(pred(in, mdi, muo) is nondet), in, mdi, muo) is nondet. :- mode foldr(in(pred(in, di, uo) is cc_multi), in, di, uo) is cc_multi. :- mode foldr(in(pred(in, in, out) is cc_multi), in, in, out) is cc_multi. %--------------------------------------------------% %--------------------------------------------------%