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45 io.file

% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
% Copyright (C) 1993-2012 The University of Melbourne.
% Copyright (C) 2013-2024 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: io.file.m.
% This module provides operations on files other than input/output.

:- module io.file.
:- interface.

:- import_module time.

% File handling predicates.

    % remove_file(FileName, Result, !IO) attempts to remove the file
    % FileName, binding Result to ok/0 if it succeeds, or error/1 if it
    % fails. If FileName names a file that is currently open, the behaviour
    % is implementation-dependent.
    % If FileName names a directory, the behavior is currently
    % implementation-dependent. On most platforms, an empty directory will be
    % deleted.
:- pred remove_file(string::in, io.res::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % remove_file_recursively(FileName, Result, !IO) attempts to remove
    % the file FileName, binding Result to ok/0 if it succeeds, or error/1
    % if it fails. If FileName names a file that is currently open, the
    % behaviour is implementation-dependent.
    % Unlike remove_file, this predicate will attempt to remove non-empty
    % directories (recursively). If it fails, some of the directory elements
    % may already have been removed.
:- pred remove_file_recursively(string::in, io.res::out, io::di, io::uo)
    is det.

    % rename_file(OldFileName, NewFileName, Result, !IO).
    % Attempts to rename the file or directory OldFileName as NewFileName,
    % binding Result to ok/0 if it succeeds, or error/1 if it fails.
    % If OldFileName names a file that is currently open, the behaviour is
    % implementation-dependent. If NewFileName names a file that already
    % exists the behaviour is also implementation-dependent; on some systems,
    % the file previously named NewFileName will be deleted and replaced
    % with the file previously named OldFileName.
:- pred rename_file(string::in, string::in, io.res::out, io::di, io::uo)
    is det.


    % Succeeds if this platform can read and create symbolic links.
:- pred have_symlinks is semidet.

    % make_symlink(FileName, LinkFileName, Result, !IO).
    % Attempts to make LinkFileName be a symbolic link to FileName.
    % If FileName is a relative path, it is interpreted relative
    % to the directory containing LinkFileName.
:- pred make_symlink(string::in, string::in, io.res::out, io::di, io::uo)
    is det.

    % read_symlink(FileName, Result, !IO) returns `ok(LinkTarget)'
    % if FileName is a symbolic link pointing to LinkTarget, and
    % `error(Error)' otherwise. If LinkTarget is a relative path,
    % it should be interpreted relative the directory containing FileName,
    % not the current directory.
:- pred read_symlink(string::in, io.res(string)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.


    % check_file_accessibility(FileName, AccessTypes, Result):
    % Check whether the current process can perform the operations given
    % in AccessTypes on FileName.
    % The C# implementation is limited:
    % - The "execute" access check passes for a regular file if we can read
    %   from the file, and have unrestricted permissions to execute unmanaged
    %   code.
    % - The "write" access check passes for a directory if the directory does
    %   not have the ReadOnly attribute, which does not necessarily mean we can
    %   write to it.
    % - The "execute" access check is ignored for directories.
:- pred check_file_accessibility(string::in, list(access_type)::in,
    io.res::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % file_type(FollowSymLinks, FileName, TypeResult)
    % finds the type of the given file.
:- pred file_type(bool::in, string::in, io.res(file_type)::out,
    io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % file_modification_time(FileName, TimeResult)
    % finds the last modification time of the given file.
:- pred file_modification_time(string::in, io.res(time_t)::out,
    io::di, io::uo) is det.

% Predicates for handling temporary files.

    % make_temp_file(Result, !IO) creates an empty file whose name is different
    % to the name of any existing file. If successful Result returns the name
    % of the file. It is the responsibility of the caller to delete the file
    % when it is no longer required.
    % The file is placed in the directory returned by get_temp_directory/3.
:- pred make_temp_file(io.res(string)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % make_temp_file(Dir, Prefix, Suffix, Result, !IO) creates an empty file
    % whose name is different to the name of any existing file. The file will
    % reside in the directory specified by Dir and will have a prefix using up
    % to the first 5 code units of Prefix. If successful, Result returns the
    % name of the file. It is the responsibility of the caller to delete the
    % file when it is no longer required.
    % The reason for truncating Prefix is historical; in future the behaviour
    % may be changed. Note that the truncation is performed without regard for
    % code point boundaries. It is recommended to use only (printable) ASCII
    % characters in the prefix string.
    % The C backend has the following limitations:
    %   - Suffix may be ignored.
    % The C# backend has the following limitations:
    %   - Dir is ignored.
    %   - Prefix is ignored.
    %   - Suffix is ignored.
:- pred make_temp_file(string::in, string::in, string::in, io.res(string)::out,
    io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % make_temp_directory(Result, !IO) creates an empty directory whose name
    % is different from the name of any existing directory.
:- pred make_temp_directory(io.res(string)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % make_temp_directory(ParentDirName, Prefix, Suffix, Result, !IO) creates
    % an empty directory whose name is different from the name of any existing
    % directory. The new directory will reside in the existing directory
    % specified by ParentDirName and will have a prefix using up to the
    % first 5 characters of Prefix and a Suffix. Result returns the name of the
    % new directory. It is the responsibility of the program to delete the
    % directory when it is no longer needed.
    % The C backend has the following limitations:
    %   - Suffix is ignored.
    % The C# backend has the following limitations:
    %   - Prefix is ignored.
    %   - Suffix is ignored.
    % The Java backend has the following limitation:
    %  - Suffix is ignored.
:- pred make_temp_directory(string::in, string::in, string::in,
    io.res(string)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % Test if the make_temp_directory predicates are available.
    % This is false for C backends without support for mkdtemp(3).
:- pred have_make_temp_directory is semidet.

    % get_temp_directory(DirName, !IO)
    % DirName is the name of a directory where applications should put
    % temporary files.
    % This is implementation-dependent. For current Mercury implementations,
    % it is determined as follows:
    % 1. For the non-Java back-ends:
    %    - On Microsoft Windows systems, the file will reside in
    %      the current directory if the TMP environment variable
    %      is not set, or in the directory specified by TMP if it is set.
    %    - On Unix systems, the file will reside in /tmp if the TMPDIR
    %      environment variable is not set, or in the directory specified
    %      by TMPDIR if it is set.
    % 2. For the Java back-end, the system-dependent default
    %    temporary-file directory will be used, specified by the Java
    %    system property On UNIX systems the default
    %    value of this property is typically "/tmp" or "/var/tmp";
    %    on Microsoft Windows systems it is typically "c:\\temp".
:- pred get_temp_directory(string::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.


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