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23 edit_distance

% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
% Copyright (C) 2023-2025 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: edit_distance.m.
% Stability: medium.
% This module computes the edit distance between two sequences of items.
% Its job is both similar to, and distinct from, the job of edit_seq.m.
% It is similar in that both modules work out the simplest, cheapest way
% to transform one sequence into another. It is distinct because the two
% modules aim to solve different problems.
% - edit_seq.m aims to solve the problem of displaying the difference
%   between two given sequences in a way that makes their differences
%   as easy to understand as possible.
% - edit_distance.m aims to solve the problem of finding, in a pool of
%   candidate sequences, the candidate that is closest to a given query
%   sequence.
% Doing a good job with the second problem requires a mechanism that
% allows callers to specify that a transposition of two elements (such as
% replacing "bc" with "cb", thus transforming e.g. "abcd" into "acbd")
% has a different cost than deleting one element in one place in the sequence
% and inserting it back at another place. This mechanism does not help
% with the first problem at all (since the simplest way to display
% a transposition *is* as a delete/insert pair), and in fact its presence
% in the system would unnecessarily complicate the algorithm.
% Technically, this module computes Damerau-Levenshtein distances,
% while edit_seq.m computes Levenshtein distances. (The difference between
% the two is that only the former considers transpositions to be single
% operations.).

:- module edit_distance.
:- interface.

:- import_module char.
:- import_module list.


:- type edit_params(T)
    --->    edit_params(
                % The cost of delete, insert, replace and transpose operations
                % respectively. Only the *relative* values of the costs matter;
                % if these are fixed, their *absolute* values are irrelevant
                % (unless they are so high that they cause arithmetic
                % overflows).
                % For replacement operations, the cost may depend on what
                % is being replaced by what. The intended use case is
                % specifying that replacements that change a letter into
                % the same letter in a different case (as char.to_lower
                % or char.to_upper would do) are cheaper than other kinds of
                % replacements.
                cost_of_delete      :: uint,
                cost_of_insert      :: uint,
                cost_of_replace     :: (func(T, T) = uint),
                cost_of_transpose   :: uint

    % find_edit_distance(Params, SeqA, SeqB, Distance):
    % Compute Distance as the sum of the costs of the operations
    % needed to transform SeqA into SeqB, where the cost of each kind of
    % edit operation is specified by Params.
:- pred find_edit_distance(edit_params(T)::in, list(T)::in, list(T)::in,
    uint::out) is det.


    % find_closest_seqs(Params, SourceSeq, TargetSeqs,
    %    BestEditDistance, HeadBestCloseSeq, TailBestCloseSeqs):
    % Given a source sequence SourceSeq, find the sequence in TargetSeqs
    % that has the best (meaning smallest) edit distance from SourceSeq.
    % Return that target sequence as HeadBestCloseSeq, and its edit distance
    % in BestEditDistance. If there are any other sequences in TargetSeqs
    % that also have the same edit distance from SourceSeq, return them
    % in TailBestCloseSeqs. [HeadBestCloseSeq | TailBestCloseSeqs] will contain
    % target sequences in the same order as TargetSeqs.
    % Note that TargetSeqs must be a nonempty list, i.e. it cannot be [].
    % However, it is ok for one of its elements to be an empty sequence.
:- pred find_closest_seqs(edit_params(T)::in, list(T)::in, list(list(T))::in,
    uint::out, list(T)::out, list(list(T))::out) is det.

    % find_best_close_enough_seqs(Params, SourceSeq, TargetSeqs,
    %   MaxEditDistance, BestEditDistance,
    %   HeadBestCloseSeq, TailBestCloseSeqs):
    % This is a version of find_closest_seqs that takes MaxEditDistance
    % as an input, and which ignores any target sequence whose edit distance
    % from SourceSeq is known to exceed MaxEditDistance.
    % If all elements of TargetSeqs have edit distances from SourceSeq
    % that are greater than MaxEditDistance, then this predicate will fail.
    % If this is not the case, i.e. if there are some target sequences
    % whose distance is less than or equal to MaxEditDistance, this predicate
    % will succeed, and will do the same job as find_closest_seqs, but it is
    % intended to do so more quickly, the efficiency gain coming from stopping
    % the computation of exact edit distances as soon as it becomes known
    % that the exact distance would exceed MaxEditDistance.
:- pred find_best_close_enough_seqs(edit_params(T)::in, list(T)::in,
    list(list(T))::in, uint::in, uint::out,
    list(T)::out, list(list(T))::out) is semidet.


    % find_closest_strings(Params, SourceStr, TargetStrs,
    %    BestEditDistance, HeadBestCloseStr, TailBestCloseStrs):
    % This is an instance of find_closest_seqs that takes care of the
    % necessary conversions between strings and sequences of characters.
:- pred find_closest_strings(edit_params(char)::in, string::in,
    list(string)::in, uint::out, string::out, list(string)::out) is det.

    % find_best_close_enough_strings(Params, SourceStr, TargetStrs,
    %    MaxEditDistance,
    %   BestEditDistance, HeadBestCloseStr, TailBestCloseStrs):
    % This is an instance of find_best_close_enough_seqs that takes care of the
    % necessary conversions between strings and sequences of characters.
:- pred find_best_close_enough_strings(edit_params(char)::in, string::in,
    list(string)::in, uint::in, uint::out, string::out, list(string)::out)
    is semidet.


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