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9 bit_buffer.write

% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=mercury
% Copyright (C) 2007, 2011 The University of Melbourne
% Copyright (C) 2014-2016, 2018, 2024 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: bit_buffer.write.m.
% Main author: stayl.
% Stability: low.
% A bit buffer provides an interface between bit-oriented output requests
% and byte-array-oriented streams, storing bits until there are enough bytes
% to make calling the `put' method on the stream worthwhile.
% CAVEAT: the user is referred to the documentation in the header
% of array.m regarding programming with unique objects (the compiler
% does not currently recognise them, hence we are forced to use
% non-unique modes until the situation is rectified; this places
% a small burden on the programmer to ensure the correctness of his
% code that would otherwise be assured by the compiler.)

:- module bit_buffer.write.
:- interface.

:- import_module io.

:- type write_buffer(Stream, State).
        % <= stream.writer(Stream, bitmap.slice, State).

:- type write_buffer == write_buffer(error_stream, error_state).
:- type io_write_buffer == write_buffer(io.binary_output_stream, io.state).

:- inst uniq_write_buffer == ground.   % XXX Should be unique.
:- mode write_buffer_di == in(uniq_write_buffer).
:- mode write_buffer_ui == in(uniq_write_buffer).
:- mode write_buffer_uo == out(uniq_write_buffer).

    % new(NumBytes, Stream, State) creates a buffer which will write to
    % the stream specified by Stream and State in chunks of NumBytes bytes.
    % If NumBytes is less than the size of an integer (given by
    % int.bits_per_int), the size of an integer will be used instead.
:- func new(num_bytes, Stream, State) = write_buffer(Stream, State)
    <= stream.writer(Stream, byte_index, State).
:- mode new(in, in, di) = write_buffer_uo is det.

    % new(NumBytes):
    % Create a buffer which collects all of the bits written, and does
    % not write them to a stream. The bits are collected in chunks of
    % size NumBytes bytes, and are written to a bitmap by
    % `finalize_to_bitmap/1'.
:- func new_bitmap_builder(num_bytes) = write_buffer.
:- mode new_bitmap_builder(in) = out is det.

    % How many bits to be written does the buffer contain?
:- func num_buffered_bits(write_buffer(_, _)) = num_bits.
:- mode num_buffered_bits(write_buffer_ui) = out is det.

    % Return how many bits need to be written to get to a byte boundary
    % in the output stream.
:- func num_bits_to_byte_boundary(write_buffer(_, _)) = num_bits.
:- mode num_bits_to_byte_boundary(write_buffer_ui) = out is det.

    % Write a bit to the buffer.
:- pred put_bit(bool, write_buffer(Stream, State), write_buffer(Stream, State))
    <= stream.writer(Stream, bitmap.slice, State).
:- mode put_bit(in, write_buffer_di, write_buffer_uo) is det.

    % Write the given number of low-order bits from an int to the buffer.
    % The number of bits must be less than int.bits_per_int.
:- pred put_bits(word, num_bits, write_buffer(Stream, State),
    write_buffer(Stream, State))
    <= stream.writer(Stream, bitmap.slice, State).
:- mode put_bits(in, in, write_buffer_di, write_buffer_uo) is det.

    % Write the eight low-order bits from an int to the buffer.
    % The number of bits must be less than int.bits_per_int.
:- pred put_byte(word, write_buffer(Stream, State),
    write_buffer(Stream, State))
    <= stream.writer(Stream, bitmap.slice, State).
:- mode put_byte(in, write_buffer_di, write_buffer_uo) is det.

    % Write bits from a bitmap to the buffer.
    % The buffer does not keep a reference to the bitmap.
:- pred put_bitmap(bitmap, write_buffer(Stream, State),
    write_buffer(Stream, State))
    <= stream.writer(Stream, bitmap.slice, State).
:- mode put_bitmap(bitmap_ui, write_buffer_di, write_buffer_uo) is det.

:- pred put_bitmap(bitmap, bit_index, num_bits,
    write_buffer(Stream, State), write_buffer(Stream, State))
    <= stream.writer(Stream, bitmap.slice, State).
:- mode put_bitmap(bitmap_ui, in, in, write_buffer_di, write_buffer_uo) is det.

    % Flush all complete bytes in the buffer to the output stream.
    % If there is an incomplete final byte it will remain unwritten
    % in the buffer.
:- pred flush(write_buffer(Stream, State), write_buffer(Stream, State))
    <= stream.writer(Stream, bitmap.slice, State).
:- mode flush(write_buffer_di, write_buffer_uo) is det.

    % Pad the buffered data out to a byte boundary, flush it to
    % the output stream, then return the Stream and State.
:- pred finalize(write_buffer(Stream, State), Stream, State)
    <= stream.writer(Stream, bitmap.slice, State).
:- mode finalize(write_buffer_di, out, uo) is det.

    % Copy the data from a non-streamed write_buffer to a bitmap.
    % The output is not padded to an even number of bits.
:- func finalize_to_bitmap(write_buffer) = bitmap.
:- mode finalize_to_bitmap(write_buffer_di) = bitmap_uo is det.


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