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7 bit_buffer

% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=mercury
% Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 The University of Melbourne
% Copyright (C) 2014, 2018, 2024 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: bit_buffer.m.
% Main author: stayl.
% Stability: low.
% A bit buffer provides an interface between bit-oriented I/O requests
% and byte-oriented streams.  The useful part of the interface is defined
% in and bit_buffer.write.
% CAVEAT: the user is referred to the documentation in the header
% of array.m regarding programming with unique objects (the compiler
% does not currently recognise them, hence we are forced to use
% non-unique modes until the situation is rectified; this places
% a small burden on the programmer to ensure the correctness of his
% code that would otherwise be assured by the compiler.)

:- module bit_buffer.
:- interface.

:- import_module bitmap.
:- import_module stream.

:- include_module
:- include_module bit_buffer.write.

    % An error_stream throws an `error_stream_error' exception if any of
    % its output methods are called, or returns an `error_stream_error'
    % if any of its input methods are called.
:- type error_stream ---> error_stream.
:- type error_state ---> error_state.
:- type error_stream_error ---> error_stream_error.
:- instance stream.error(error_stream_error).
:- instance, error_state).
:- instance stream.input(error_stream, error_state).
:- instance stream.bulk_reader(error_stream, byte_index, bitmap,
        error_state, error_stream_error).

:- instance stream.output(error_stream, error_state).
:- instance stream.writer(error_stream, bitmap.slice, error_state).
