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%--------------------------------------------------% % vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et %--------------------------------------------------% % Copyright (C) 2003, 2005-2007, 2011-2012 The University of Melbourne. % Copyright (C) 2013-2022, 2024-2025 The Mercury team. % This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB. %--------------------------------------------------% % % File: array2d.m. % Author: Ralph Becket <>. % Stability: medium-low. % % Two-dimensional rectangular (i.e. not ragged) array ADT. % % XXX The same caveats re: uniqueness of arrays apply to array2ds. % %--------------------------------------------------% %--------------------------------------------------% :- module array2d. :- interface. :- import_module array. :- import_module list. %--------------------------------------------------% % An array2d is a two-dimensional array stored in row-major order % (that is, the elements of the first row in left-to-right % order, followed by the elements of the second row and so forth.) % :- type array2d(T). :- inst array2d for array2d/1 ---> array2d(ground, ground, array). % XXX These are work-arounds until we get nested uniqueness working. % :- mode array2d_di == di(array2d). :- mode array2d_ui == in(array2d). :- mode array2d_uo == out(array2d). % init(NumRows, NumColumns, Elem): % Creates a 2d array with the given numbers of rows and columns % whose every element is set to Elem. % % Throws an exception if either NumRows or NumColumns is negative. % :- func init(int, int, T) = array2d(T). :- mode init(in, in, in) = array2d_uo is det. % array2d([[X11, ..., X1N], ..., [XM1, ..., XMN]]) constructs an array2d % of size M * N, with the special case that bounds(array2d([]), 0, 0). % % In other words, the elements of the top level list each represent % one row, and each row is itself a list of the values in the columns % of that row. % % Throws an exception unless all rows have the same number of columns. % :- func array2d(list(list(T))) = array2d(T). :- mode array2d(in) = array2d_uo is det. % A synonym for the array2d function above. % :- func from_lists(list(list(T))) = array2d(T). :- mode from_lists(in) = array2d_uo is det. % from_array(NumRows, NumColumns, Array) constructs an array2d % of size NumRows * NumColumns where the elements are taken from Array % in row-major order, i.e. the element at row R column C is taken from % Array at index (R * NumColumns + C). Indices start from zero. % % Throws an exception if NumRows < 0 or NumColumns < 0, or if % the number of elements in Array does not equal NumRows * NumColumns. % :- func from_array(int, int, array(T)) = array2d(T). :- mode from_array(in, in, array_di) = array2d_uo is det. % is_empty(Array): % True iff Array contains zero elements. % :- pred is_empty(array2d(T)). % :- mode is_empty(array2d_ui) is semidet. :- mode is_empty(in) is semidet. % bounds(Array, NumRows, NumColumns): % % Returns the number of rows and columns in the given 2d array. % :- pred bounds(array2d(T), int, int). % :- mode bounds(array2d_ui, out, out) is det. :- mode bounds(in, out, out) is det. % in_bounds(Array, R, C): % % Succeeds if and only if 0 =< C < NumRows, 0 =< C < NumColumns. % :- pred in_bounds(array2d(T), int, int). % :- mode in_bounds(array2d_ui, in, in) is semidet. :- mode in_bounds(in, in, in) is semidet. % lookup(Array, R, C): % % Given a 2d array Array with NumRows rows and NumColumns columns, % return the element at row R and column C. Indices start at zero. % % This function requires 0 =< R < NumRows and 0 =< C < NumColumns. % If this requirement is not satisfied, this function will throw % an exception. % :- func lookup(array2d(T), int, int) = T. % :- mode lookup(array2d_ui, in, in) = out is det. :- mode lookup(in, in, in) = out is det. :- pred lookup(array2d(T), int, int, T). % :- mode lookup(array2d_ui, in, in, out) is det. :- mode lookup(in, in, in, out) is det. :- func array2d(T) ^ elem(int, int) = T. % :- mode array2d_ui ^ elem(in, in) = out is det. :- mode in ^ elem(in, in) = out is det. % unsafe_lookup(Array, R, C) = Elem: % unsafe_lookup(Array, R, C, Elem): % Array ^ unsafe_elem(R, C) = Elem: % % Given a 2d array Array with NumRows rows and NumColumns columns, % return the element at row R and column C. Indices start at zero. % % This function requires 0 =< R < NumRows and 0 =< C < NumColumns. % If this requirement is not satisfied, the behavior of this function % is undefined. % :- func unsafe_lookup(array2d(T), int, int) = T. % :- mode unsafe_lookup(array2d_ui, in, in) = out is det. :- mode unsafe_lookup(in, in, in) = out is det. :- pred unsafe_lookup(array2d(T), int, int, T). % :- mode unsafe_lookup(array2d_ui, in, in, out) is det. :- mode unsafe_lookup(in, in, in, out) is det. :- func unsafe_elem(int, int, array2d(T)) = T. % :- mode unsafe_elem(in, in, array2du) = out is det. :- mode unsafe_elem(in, in, in) = out is det. % set(R, C, NewElem, Array0, Array): % Array0 ^ elem(R, C) := NewElem = Array: % % Return Array, which differs from Array0 only in that % the value at row R and column C is NewElem. % % Throws an exception unless 0 =< R < NumRows, 0 =< C < NumColumns. % :- pred set(int, int, T, array2d(T), array2d(T)). :- mode set(in, in, in, array2d_di, array2d_uo) is det. :- func 'elem :='(int, int, array2d(T), T) = array2d(T). :- mode 'elem :='(in, in, array2d_di, in) = array2d_uo is det. % unsafe_set(R, C, NewElem, Array0) = Array: % unsafe_set(R, C, NewElem, Array0, Array): % Array0 ^ unsafe_elem(R, C) := NewElem = Array: % % Return Array, which differs from Array0 only in that % the value at row R and column C is NewElem. % % The behavior is defined only if 0 =< R < NumRows, 0 =< C < NumColumns. % :- pred unsafe_set(int, int, T, array2d(T), array2d(T)). :- mode unsafe_set(in, in, in, array2d_di, array2d_uo) is det. :- func 'unsafe_elem :='(int, int, array2d(T), T) = array2d(T). :- mode 'unsafe_elem :='(in, in, array_di, in) = array2d_uo is det. % lists(Array): % % Return the contents of the given 2d array as a list of rows, % with each row containing the values in its columns. % % This function is the converse of from_lists. % For every Array, from_lists(lists(Array) = Array, % and for every Lists for from_lists(Lists) does not throw % an exception, lists(from_lists(Lists) = Lists. % :- func lists(array2d(T)) = list(list(T)). % :- mode lists(array2d_ui) = out is det. :- mode lists(in) = out is det. % fill(Item, !Array): % Sets every element of the array to Item. % :- pred fill(T::in, array2d(T)::array2d_di, array2d(T)::array2d_uo) is det. %--------------------------------------------------% %--------------------------------------------------%
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