The grade library

This documents work in progress.

What grades are

This section is for users and novice implementors, as well as background for the next section.

Compiler options affect what code the compiler generates for the modules it is asked to generate code for. For some compiler options (such as --inlining), it is ok for the component modules of a program to be compiled with different values of the option (e.g. some modules compiled with inlining and some without inlining). However, for some other options, such combinations do not work. This is typically because the option governs some aspect of the contract between a predicate A on the one hand and another predicate B that it calls. Some of these aspects are obvious: compiling the predicates to different target languages (e.g. Java and C) makes linking them together effectively impossible (since neither knows about the need for using a foreign language interface). Some other aspects are not obvious: if predicate A expects B to use the trail to record the bindings it makes, but B does not do so, that fact sets up a time bomb that will go off sometime later, after a backtrack that should have undone those bindings, but does not (due those bindings not having entries in the trail). If the user is lucky, the resulting data corruption will crash the program; if the user is unlucky, there will be no crash, and the program will just generate output that is effectively random.

To prevent such problems, the Mercury compiler requires that all modules in a program (including the ones embedded in libraries) be compiled with consistent values of all the compiler options that affect how the compiled codes of the modules communicate with each other. (We call these options the compilation model options.) A grade is a specification of a value for each and every one of these options. The above requirement can thus be restated both as all modules in a program must be compiled with the same compilation model and as all modules in a program must be compiled in the same grade.

The different representations of grades

This section is for implementors, though some parts may be useful for users as well.

Traditionally, the Mercury compiler had two representations of grades: (a) grade strings, and (b) the values of the compilation model options.

Most compilation model options are boolean options (such as use_trail), some integer options (such as num_tag_bits), and some are string options (such as target). The compiler looks up the boolean compilation model options in the option table part of the globals structure (in compiler/globals.m), but it converts the compilation model options that are integers or strings into enums of purpose-specific types, which it stores separately from the option table, in other parts of the globals structure. This is so that the sanity checking that is required to accept e.g. --target=java but reject e.g. --target=xyzzy can be done once, when the globals structure is set up, instead of having to be repeated in every part of the in the compiler that needs to know the identity of the target language.

A grade string is the only representation of grades that most Mercury users ever see.

A grade string consists of a sequence of grade components separated by dots; for example, "" consists of the components "hlc", "gc" and "tr". Each grade component specifies either the value of one compiler option (for example, "tr" specifies use_trail=yes), or the values of two or more compiler options (for example, "hlc" specifies target=c and highlevel_data=no).

A typical grade string does not specify a value for every compilation model option. For example, "" does not explicitly specify a value for the thread_safe option. The values of such options are then set to a default value. That default may depend on the values of the compilation model options that are specified.

The different components of a grade string can be inconsistent. This can happen by having two grade components directly assign different values to the same compilation model option, as with the grade "". It can also happen indirectly, because even if two or more grade components assign values to disjoint sets of compilation model options, the resulting assignments may not be compatible. For example, "hlc.debug" is inconsistent, because "hlc" selects the use of the MLDS backend, but "debug" is implemented only for the LLDS backend. A grade is valid only if it satisfies a set of constraints, of which "debug is implemented only for the LLDS backend" is only one. These constraints arise because not all combinations of options make sense, and of the combinations that do make sense, not all have been implemented, or are even worth implementing.

compiler/handle_options.m has traditionally been the place where we tried to implement these constraints, later partially succeeded by compiler/compute_grade.m. The constraints have the form of an implication: if compilation model option A has value Ai, then compilation model option B must have one of the values Bjs. Such implications can be used in either direction: if we know that A=Ai, then we can know that B has to be one of the Bjs, ruling out any other possible value for it (and fully determining B's value if Bjs is a singleton set), while if we know that B is not in Bjs, then we can rule out A=Ai.

The code in handle_options.m and compute_grade.m has several problems:

The grade library is intended to fix this situation. It should allow users to specify what features they want (e.g. trailing and debugging) and have the grade library select the best grade that has all the requested features, either from the global space of all possible grades, or from the much, much more restricted set of all the grades currently installed on the system. (In this context, "best" means fastest, which typically means that the best grade will have no features except the features that were explicitly requested, and the features that are implied by them either directly or indirectly.)

The grade library works with four representations of grades:

The grade strings have the same form as before: a list of components separated by dots, with each component specifying the values of one or more compilation model options. The meaning can be subtly different: if a user-specified grade implicitly implies some other grade components that the user-specified grade does not contain, then the grade library will always implicitly add it to the grade, while the old grade-handling code in compiler/compute_grade.m added it to the grade only sometimes. For example, since target=java implies thread_safe=yes, the grade library canonicalizes grade "java" to "java.par"; before the grade library, we did not do that.

The grade var representation of a grade is very similar to the old representation of compilation model options, with the only difference being that it represents the value of every compilation model option using a grade variable, with each grade variable being of a separate, purpose-specific enum type. This means that e.g. we replace the bool option named use_trail with a grade variable whose value is either grade_var_trail_no or grade_var_trail_yes. There is one grade variable for most compilation model options, though a few grade variables, such as grade_var_merc_float below, encode the values of two compilation model options (unboxed_float and single_prec_float). The grade_vars structure collects all the grade variables in one structure. The whole setup looks like this:

:- type grade_var_trail
    --->    grade_var_trail_no
    ;       grade_var_trail_yes.

:- type grade_var_merc_float
    --->    grade_var_merc_float_is_boxed_c_double
    ;       grade_var_merc_float_is_unboxed_c_double
    ;       grade_var_merc_float_is_unboxed_c_float.

:- type grade_vars
    --->    grade_vars(

The grade var representation of a grade allows the parts of the compiler that need to make simple decisions (such as "should the generated high level C code use the trail?") make them a bit more safely, since mixing up two purpose-specific enums will generate a compiler error while mixing up two booleans will not. However, the main reason for using this representation instead of compiler options is to allow the grade library to be usable by programs other than the compiler.

While having each grade variable being of a different type is good for type safety in code that deals with only a few grade variables, it does not allow the processing of all grade variables using generic code. The only sensible way to implement a solver for the constraints we have on grade variables is using such generic code. We therefore have a representation of grades that uses just two types: one (solver_var_id) to represent the identities of all the grade variables, and another type (solver_var_value_id) to represent all their possible values. Like this:

:- type solver_var_id
    --->    ...
    ;       svar_trail
    ;       ...
    ;       svar_merc_float
    ;       ...

:- type solver_var_value_id
    --->    ...
    ;       svalue_trail_no
    ;       svalue_trail_yes
    ;       ...
    ;       svalue_merc_float_is_boxed_c_double
    ;       svalue_merc_float_is_unboxed_c_double
    ;       svalue_merc_float_is_unboxed_c_float

    ;       ...

The solver works with a data structure (the solver_var_map) that maps each grade var (represented by the corresponding value of the solver_var_id type) to the set of its possible values (each represented by a value of the solver_var_value_id type) For each grade var, the set of its possible values starts out as the set of solver_var_value_id values that correspond to the values of the grade var (so that for svar_trail, the initial set will be {svalue_trail_no, svalue_trail_yes}). As the constraint solver processes constraints, it rules out some values in the range of some variables. If the map ever maps a grade variable to the empty set of possible values, then the solver fails, which means that the initially posed set of constraints must have been inconsistent. On the other hand, a successful solution maps each grade variable to just a single value. Such a successful solution can be converted into a grade vars structure.

The fourth and last representation of grades in the grade library is the grade structure (the type name is "grade_structure"). The purpose of the grade structure is to make it impossible to express grades that violate any of the constraints that we require grades to meet.

While the grade var representation can represent a grade which has both grade_var_target=grade_var_target_java and grade_var_deep_prof=grade_var_deep_prof_yes, the grade structure cannot, because it can record "the grade supports deep profiling" only inside a term whose top function symbol is grade_llds, while it can record "the target language is Java" only inside a term whose top function symbol is grade_mlds, and a variable of type grade_structure cannot be bound to both function symbols at the same time.

The grade structure has two main uses.