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25 eqvclass

% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
% Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 1999, 2003-2006, 2011-2012 The University of Melbourne.
% Copyright (C) 2014-2018 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: eqvclass.m.
% Author: zs.
% Stability: low.
% A module for handling equivalence classes.

:- module eqvclass.
:- interface.

:- import_module list.
:- import_module set.


:- type eqvclass(T).
:- type partition_id.

    % Create an empty equivalence class.
:- func init = eqvclass(T).
:- pred init(eqvclass(T)::out) is det.

    % Is this item known to the equivalence class?
:- pred is_member(eqvclass(T)::in, T::in) is semidet.

    % If this item is known to the equivalence class, return the id of its
    % partition. The only use that the caller can make of the partition id
    % is to check whether two items in the same equivalence calls have the
    % same partition id; that test will succeed if and only if the two
    % items are in the same partition. Partition ids are not guaranteed
    % to stay the same as an eqvclass is updated, so such comparisons will
    % work only against the same eqvclass.
    % If you want to check whether two items are in the same equivalence class,
    % using same_eqvclass is more expressive than calling
    % partition_id on both items and comparing the results.
    % However, if you want to perform this check on X and Y1, on X and Y2,
    % ... X and Yn, then calling partition_id on X just once and
    % comparing this with the partition_ids of the Yi will be more efficient.
:- pred partition_id(eqvclass(T)::in, T::in, partition_id::out)
    is semidet.

    % Make an element known to the equivalence class.
    % The element may already be known to the class;
    % if it isn't, it is created without any equivalence relationships.
:- func ensure_element(eqvclass(T), T) = eqvclass(T).
:- pred ensure_element(T::in, eqvclass(T)::in, eqvclass(T)::out)
    is det.

    % Make this item known to the equivalence class if it isn't already,
    % and return the id of its partition. The same proviso applies with
    % respect to partition_ids as with partition_id.
:- pred ensure_element_partition_id(T::in, partition_id::out,
    eqvclass(T)::in, eqvclass(T)::out) is det.

    % Make an element known to the equivalence class.
    % The element must not already be known to the class;
    % it is created without any equivalence relationships.
:- func new_element(eqvclass(T), T) = eqvclass(T).
:- pred new_element(T::in, eqvclass(T)::in, eqvclass(T)::out) is det.

    % Make two elements of the equivalence class equivalent.
    % It is ok if they already are.
:- func ensure_equivalence(eqvclass(T), T, T) = eqvclass(T).
:- pred ensure_equivalence(T::in, T::in,
    eqvclass(T)::in, eqvclass(T)::out) is det.

:- func ensure_corresponding_equivalences(list(T), list(T),
    eqvclass(T)) = eqvclass(T).
:- pred ensure_corresponding_equivalences(list(T)::in, list(T)::in,
    eqvclass(T)::in, eqvclass(T)::out) is det.

    % Make two elements of the equivalence class equivalent.
    % It is an error if they are already equivalent.
:- func new_equivalence(eqvclass(T), T, T) = eqvclass(T).
:- pred new_equivalence(T::in, T::in, eqvclass(T)::in, eqvclass(T)::out)
    is det.

    % Test if two elements are equivalent.
:- pred same_eqvclass(eqvclass(T)::in, T::in, T::in) is semidet.

    % Test if a list of elements are equivalent.
:- pred same_eqvclass_list(eqvclass(T)::in, list(T)::in) is semidet.

    % Return the set of the partitions of the equivalence class.
:- func partition_set(eqvclass(T)) = set(set(T)).
:- pred partition_set(eqvclass(T)::in, set(set(T))::out) is det.

    % Return a list of the partitions of the equivalence class.
:- func partition_list(eqvclass(T)) = list(set(T)).
:- pred partition_list(eqvclass(T)::in, list(set(T))::out) is det.

    % Create an equivalence class from a partition set.
    % It is an error if the sets are not disjoint.
:- func partition_set_to_eqvclass(set(set(T))) = eqvclass(T).
:- pred partition_set_to_eqvclass(set(set(T))::in, eqvclass(T)::out) is det.

    % Create an equivalence class from a list of partitions.
    % It is an error if the sets are not disjoint.
:- func partition_list_to_eqvclass(list(set(T))) = eqvclass(T).
:- pred partition_list_to_eqvclass(list(set(T))::in,
    eqvclass(T)::out) is det.

    % Return the set of elements equivalent to the given element.
    % This set will of course include the given element.
:- func get_equivalent_elements(eqvclass(T), T) = set(T).

    % Return the smallest element equivalent to the given element.
    % This may or may not be the given element.
:- func get_minimum_element(eqvclass(T), T) = T.

    % Remove the given element and all other elements equivalent to it
    % from the given equivalence class.
:- func remove_equivalent_elements(eqvclass(T), T) = eqvclass(T).
:- pred remove_equivalent_elements(T::in,
    eqvclass(T)::in, eqvclass(T)::out) is det.

    % Given a function, divide each partition in the original equivalence class
    % so that two elements of the original partition end up in the same
    % partition in the new equivalence class if and only if the function maps
    % them to the same value.
:- func divide_equivalence_classes(func(T) = U, eqvclass(T)) = eqvclass(T).


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